Anouk Veerkamp – Revenge and melancholy – i.s.m. BUT Film Festival
31-08-2022 t/m 04-09-2022Anouk Veerkamp – Revenge and Melancholy
Curated and supported by KOP. As a ‘kick-starter for art and design talent’, Breda’s KOP focuses on mentoring programmes for its own art projects and as a co-producer, whereby they enter into partnerships specifically in the area of talent development.
About Anouk
After completing her Bachelor of Design at St. Joost school of Art and Design, Veerkamp continually worked on commissioned and autonomous visual and conceptual projects. With her intuitive methods Veerkamp is always searching for the dialogue between the aesthetic and the overwhelming. “Should art be beautiful or make an impression?”
About the project
Anouk has always been fascinated by classic film noir movies. The iconic black and white shots and the suggestive character of these movies sparks her imagination. What film lover does not know the iconic hitchcock shower curtain scene?
In this series, she states that revenge is an emotion everybody is confronted with at a certain point in their lives. An odd emotion that is not so odd. Veerkamp imagines these feelings as abstract still lives that take your emotions and reflect your thoughts back at you. In this project Veerkamp uses a mixture of media; photography combined with painting and computer/photo manipulation.
You can see her work on a small and intimate scale and simultaneously experience it at an overwhelming size. The shear size of the works makes you feel like the 2d canvases are sculptures towering over you.
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